Dunas Don Gregory San Agustín, Gran Canaria

Dunas Don Gregory - Experience unforgettable golf holidays!

This luxurious establishment enjoys a convenient location right on Las Burras beach, making it the perfect getaway destination for a relaxing holiday under the Canarian sun. Guests will find Gran Canaria International Airport some 25 kilometres away and attractions such as Maspalomas dunes are just a 20-minute drive away. While the beach is just outside the hotel, San Agustin shopping centre is just a few steps away, offering visitors the chance to enjoy a day of fun and shopping. The property’s outstanding guest rooms feature amazing sea views and offer a comfortable atmosphere in which to completely unwind. Dining options include a restaurant offering a wide range of quality products for guests to taste the best delicacies from national and international cuisine. This establishment also enjoys direct access to the beach, all for a comfortable stay in Gran Canaria.

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*Alter der Kinder am letzten Tag der Reise

Hotel facilities

Wi-fi free of charge
Beach hotels
24-hour reception
Total number of rooms

Hotel Reviews

Booking 8.8/10 (540 )
Tripadvisor 4.5/5 (1554 )

Customer reviews

Golf courses in the vicinity of the hotel