Pacchetto golf incl. green-fee & more
Godetevi un soggiorno di 3 notti al MarePineta Resort - Villa Regina, con accesso all'Adriatic Golf Club Cervia. Perfetto per una fuga rilassante all'insegna del golf! Include: 3 pernottamenti, 1 green fee per giocatore Destinazione: Milano Marittima, Emilia Romagna Data del viaggio (esempio):19.05.2025
per persona da 319,– €
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Il tuo piano di viaggio:
3 giorni
Das Zentrum von Milano Marittima ist berühmt für seinen Kreisverkehr namens 1 Maggio, ein Treffpunkt, an dem Sie Clubs und Pubs finden, die von der Happy Hour bis spät in die Nacht geöffnet sind, und auch ein Bezugspunkt für Shopping-Trends. Entlang der Wege durch den Pinienhain können Sie den Naturpark besuchen, ein Umwelt-Erbe von großem Interesse, das von vielen Tieren und einer Flora aus Seekiefern bevölkert ist. Im Inneren befindet sich CerviAvventura, ein Abenteuerpark, in dem Sie die Natur auf eine neue und aufregende Weise erleben können, dank seiner fünf Pfade, die sich durch die Bäume schlängeln. Besonders eindrucksvoll ist das Casa delle Farfalle (Schmetterlingshaus), ein 800 Quadratmeter großes beheiztes Gewächshaus, das Hunderte von Schmetterlingen und Insekten beherbergt, hauptsächlich aus Südamerika und Südafrika.
MarePineta Resort – Villa Regina Pagina dell'albergo
19.05.–22.05. — 3 pernottamenti, DBL Classic room – Villa Regina, PERNOTTAMENTO E PRIMA COLAZIONE The MarePineta Resort – a timeless classic. Surrounded by a centuries-old pine wood and just a few steps from its own private beach, the MarePineta Resort was built in the 1920s as an icon of style and elegance in Milano Marittima and became the crown jewel of the Riviera Romagnola. The rooms are located in three different areas of the resort: in the historic 1927 building, in the futuristic Lissoni cube and in the area between the completely renovated historic Casa Madre building and the glass building in the park, called Villa Regina.
The MarePineta Resort – a timeless classic. Surrounded by a centuries-old pine wood and just a few steps from its own private beach, the MarePineta Resort was built in the 1920s as an icon of style and elegance in Milano Marittima and became the crown jewel of the Riviera Romagnola. The rooms are located in three different areas of the resort: in the historic 1927 building, in the futuristic Lissoni cube and in the area between the completely renovated historic Casa Madre building and the glass building in the park, called Villa Regina.